Test File Overview

This section describes all the capabilities and functionalities of FunTEST's Test File

Test File in FunTEST is represented in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet.

In the spreadsheet, all the necessary functionalities are defined including test sequence and test reporting.

Each Test File has the following tabs

  1. Head

    This is where the general setting of the test file is defined such as test identification and variable list

  2. TEST

    This is where your test sequence is defined with all necessary test steps

    More detailed description of test file is in TEST Sequence Tab

  3. STAT

    This where you define any statics that will be saved from each test run

  4. VARIANT This is where you can manage multiple variants of your product. Select the product variant you want to test and the test sequence will get automatically updated.

Only Head and TEST tabs are mandatory. Other tabs are adding additional functionality that is often desired

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